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What's Love Got To Do With It?

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luna-tic | 08:16 Sun 06th Jan 2008 | Religion & Spirituality
95 Answers
If the creator/s one defining message in all religions is love, then why are there so many belief systems and races of people that have factors to segregate them?
Is this the humans test set by the creator/s, to see if we can all get along? Were we brought to this planet as different tribes?
Which religion came first and if that one was proved to be the closest to the God/s over pouring of love then why isn't it the one and only global religion?
Sorry, more than one question there.


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Is it safe?
After all that swearing by China and my mistaken thoughts of animosity I hid in my food store cupboard, but while I was in there I noticed some left over mince pies and a few bottles of vino tucked away...Mmm Yummy!
Anyway, thanks China for sorting that little problem out.
I have heard of Bill Hicks, although I'm not that familiar with his work but I suppose he is quite similar to Denis Leary(or vice versa).
Thank Heavens!!! (or maybe not regarding the original threads subject matter) everything is okay and Naomi,
Yes, you know I do worry about such things but now your going to encounter a new Luna:- tougher, faster, stronger, thicker.... but just as silly. :0)
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Hi Theland, I do live with love in my heart, I am not selfish and help others when and if I can but I didn't learn that from God or Jesus, it is just natural to me. Some of my choices through life may have led me along a path that wasn't always right but that is my human failing and can always be turned around to gain strength from in the end, if other circumstances don't influence us badly and remove the strength.
It doesn't always work out like that for other people,I know, but we can only do our best.
♫ ♪ �Without love, where would you be now?� ♫ ♪
The Doobie Brothers
Well in that case luna, so you don't worry and for future reference... I absolutely never set out to be deliberately offensive... obtuse and sarcastic quite possibly but hopefully in an amusing way... hence why naomi asked if I was ok rather than tearing ten shreds off me, she's getting used to my silliness!

And as you've never heard of Hicks I really think you should look him up... Well it'll help in religion as I quite often cite him as what Jesus might be like if he came back (and if I pretend to believe in him) when that question is asked. I'm only semi-joking when I say that too ;0)

Ta mibs for putting your life on the line there and getting in between... now what do you call something that can get between an unstoppable force and an immovable object?
What do you call it? What about a "mib"? Oooo, I think I've invented a new noun. Or if we could always "mib" something and make it a verb too.
Ooops - should have said "or we could always "Mib" something and make it a verb too."
Hmmm.... I think Mibs is lofty enough without havign a special new thing named after them don't you? Can you imagine? They'd have an opinon on that too!!

(Sorry Mibs, love you really!)
-- answer removed --
Heh... Thought of one...

The Mibs Effect
Oh, I don't know. I think he's worthy - and whilst we're at it, we can add 'the Mibs Effect' too. Yes, I like it! A man for all occasions!! What do you think Mib? (Lovely voice. by the way. Why not come and join the Loonie Orchestra?).
How come I don't get to join the orchestra?! How rude...

Yeah Mibs.. what do you think?
Oops, another faux pas, but not intentionally rude, China, I assure you. Mib has just voluntarily auditioned - and may I say has greatly impressed the panel - well me, at least, since Luna, our other impresario, isn't around at the moment. If you would like to audition, you'd be most welcome, so come on girl, do your stuff - and let's see what you're made of.

Incidentally, you should be aware before auditiioning that the Loonie Orchestra isn't simply an orchestra. It's actually a branch of a cult known as the Loonies - not to be confused with the Moonies, so you must, of course, be willing to join that too. Other members are regulars on R&S and include Theland (musical director), Mani (shoe box and rubber band), Wizard (washboard and thimble), me (comb and paper), and of course Luna, our resident songbird, who also plays the spoons, and will hopefully soon be joined by Mib to delight us with an array of wonderful duets. Can you play an instrument, because if so, we do have a very fine saucepan and lid going spare?
Well I usually wear the saucepan on my head but I would willingly use it to make music as long as it goes back on my head afterwards.... Failing that I play the fool to a master leve!
Well, if you're happy to wear the saucepan as a hat, and bash it with its lid, then welcome aboard. I should imagine you'll look extremely fetching and will no doubt add that little extra "je ne sais quoi" to the proceedings - and don't worry, we have aspirin in the first aid kit! Oh, we do so love sensible people - and by what you've said, it seems you'll fit in perfectly! No doubt Luna will be along later to add his greeting. Just waiting to hear from Mib now. Cor, two new recruits in one afternoon. I want a raise!! Luna!! Where are you?
Excellent, my saucepan and fashion preferences are so often frowned upon it's nice to be accepted. Can I sit next to Mibs though? Since he's new too? Besides... I want to see the Mibs Effect at close range!
Certainly you can. We aim to please. I'm not sure the Mibs Effect will be good for you, but be it on your own head, so to speak!
I think the Mibs Effect might be similar to Phil Specters "Wall Of Sound," just the thing to enhance the crockery and cutlery sections of the orchestra.
Save seat for Waldo, you never know, he might just join, if only for the refreshments.
Yep, and Chakka and Whicker too. Oh this is marvellous!! Today AB - tomorrow The Royal Albert Hall!!!! Oooo, where's my sparkly frock?!!!
Remember, the goal is to record the ultimate, perennial Christmas song, so that like Slade, Cliff etc, we can retire on the royalties.
I think we should do a panto too. Any suggestions?

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