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Who was God?

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naomi24 | 19:26 Wed 16th Jan 2008 | Religion & Spirituality
9 Answers
Was he - and all the other Gods recorded in mythology -really supernatural, or does this offer a more likely, and more logical, explanation?


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Lenticular cloud formations are unusual and spectacular. During late evening they can take on the appearance of a bright "saucer" shape against a dark blue background. Because they don't move (they are "standing waves") they may be interpreted as unnatural, alien or even supernatural. Noctilucent clouds (night luminous clouds) are often visible during summer nights and are equally spectacular.
Were ancient people more savvy about natural phenomena than we are? The cave drawings of "spacemen" look humanoid. Were our ancestors extraterrestrial?
I believe that after all of the natural phenomenon have been ruled out, the rest of the UFO activity is at least in part demonic.
I believe that after all of the natural phenomenon have been ruled out, there is nothing left to investigate.

Are apparitions such as the ones at Lourdes demonic? No natural phenomenon other that self delusion can explain it.
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After all the possible natural causes have been ruled out, we're still left with clear depictions of flying machines - some of them manned - or aliened? :o)

If these aren't accurate drawings of things people witnessed, I can only conclude that ancient man possessed an impossibly fertile imagination.

Ancient texts are full of accounts of beings coming from the skies in flying machines, and these ideas had to come from somewhere. If the artwork and texts do contain an element of truth, then it's no surprise that, in a world without technology, the Gods were thought to be supernatural.
Hello Naomi,
I think the illustrations and texts show humans using pictographical diaries of their days with emphasis on the strange anomalies (U.F.O's etc) which at that time could have been a regular occurence.
The beings were real because the humans knowledge of anything outside the Earth apart from what they had been told by the visitors depicted was zero unless there was an innate passing of some information when we were created.
I believe the supernatural elements may have been apparatus the visitors used but the humans didn't understand.
Man may have helped construct early monuments but not without the organisation and impetus from other worldly beings.
Some of the aliens may have become gods in the Earth peoples eyes simply because there is nothing on earth like them and a controlled beam of light from above would seem just as fantastic when never witnessed before emanating from a flying craft.
As human children we learn from our parents.
From where did the knowledge originate?
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Hi Luna, It's difficult to understand why people don't consider this a possible explanation to the mysteries of the Gods. I can only assume they find it impossible to imagine that other civilisations may have been much more advanced than us thousands of years ago, and so dismiss the idea without really thinking about it. This surely is more tangible 'evidence' than the words of a book? I can't imagine that ancient man invented such images. Why would he? He knew nothing of manned flight or aircraft, and yet he drew pictures representing the very same. I believe he drew what he saw - and he wrote about what he saw - even though he didn't understand what he was seeing - and therefore mistakenly endowed these people with supernatural powers. Imagine for a moment ancient man seeing electric lights, or jet engines in action. How could he understand it? It would be supernatural to him.

Theland, we're not talking about the rest of the UFO activity, or demons(?). These are very ancient images. If you take your religious head off for a moment, and really think about history, don't you think this is where the stories of a powerful God - or powerful Gods -could possibly have originated?
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Teddio, were our ancestors extraterrestrial? I believe they were.
Naomi- The rate of human evolution over the past million years or so has been phenomenal. Life on Earth, according to the fossil record, began about 3500 million years ago yet it is only in the last few thousand years that a species evolved capable of consciously reforming the planet.
DNA evidence suggests that all life, plant and animal, have a common ancestry. Did some event in the recent past (geologically speaking) change human conscientiousness in a manner suggested by the alien "monolith" featured in 2001: A Space Odyssey?
Did the human brain develop so fast and with so much spare capacity that it generated the need to philosophise?
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Teddio, sorry for the delay. I've been unable to log in to AB. The bible, I believe contains, in part, a wealth of historical data. Genesis, within the first couple of chapters, describes the creation of two different races of man, and I believe genetic engineering was involved, hence man's mighty evolutionary leap. Man's need to philsophise comes from his desire to understand the vague historical accounts carried in many ancient texts, including the bible, and from his wish to fully understand his past. Unfortunately ancient man's misunderstanding of technology became religion, which until this day precludes any semblance of rational thought and logic.

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