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Is God a Male Chauvanist?

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Lonnie | 21:47 Fri 29th Feb 2008 | Religion & Spirituality
3 Answers
Is any further proof that either God is a Male Chauvanist, or that the Bible (Old Testament) was written by men for men?.

On this link, its No11 that i'm referring to.


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Hi Lonnie, just passing through on my way to bed.

And after all that ............

28 And if the woman be not defiled, but be clean; then she shall be cleared, and shall conceive seed.

Well ..... that's alright then. Can't be ALL bad. We women ought to be grateful. :o)

Sounds like it's ok for a woman to committ adultery long as her husband gets to watch! "If any man's wife go aside, and act unfaithfully against him, 13 and a man lie with her carnally, and it be hid from the eyes of her husband etc etc"
The Bible was written by men, so you are right Lonnie!
Chauvanism is something which women put up with in life - just in general.
It is as endemic as racism and homophobia but it happens on a daily, subtle level rather than a headline hitting degree.
It is also something that no man could realise because he is a man and does not experience it in its differing forms.
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Hi naomi and Le Chat,
Sorry for the delay in coming back on this,

Thanks very much for your replies.

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Is God a Male Chauvanist?

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