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Life after death!

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Sasha-2008 | 10:36 Thu 26th Feb 2009 | Religion & Spirituality
53 Answers
So whats your views on life after death??

Is there really a heaven and hell??

Do ghosts exsit?? Has anyone got any stories/Views to share on this subject?
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I don't believe there is a life after death or that there is a heaven or hell.

I do believe that 'ghosts' or other phenomena may exist but that there existence has a scientfic explanation that just hasn't been discovered yet. My neighbours have a ghost.
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Is there any reason for y u believe this or just that this has always been your view on the subject?
I just don't believe in a God Sasha. I was christened and brought up to go to Sunday school, church etc., but as I grew older and began to reason for myself I became irreligious.
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Well thats fair enough. I don't believe in God either but I would like to think that there is a bettre place where we can go after death.
Would be nice, but a bit overcrowded ;o)

We live on in others. I really have no problem with thinking of death as final.
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So you have never believed in reincarnation then?
Perhaps the ideas of gods and other spooky wookies persist because the organisations that sell the messages are rich and powerful Perhaps it reflects the fact many people are gullible. I suspect many who claim to "believe in God" do so for the same reason Pascal did (Wiki Pascal's wager); essentially it is a low risk strategy.The fear of eternal damnation in hell (which idea is part of the religious indoctrination in British schools) frightens the holy water out of people.

"God moves in a mysterious way
His wonders to perform.
He plants His footsteps in the sea
And rides upon the tsunamis."

(Modified from William Cowper)

Ask religious people to explain that!
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Thanks CovKid. Hopefully people will respond. I really thought a lot of people would have strong views on this subject but it seems not.
Sasha, it's difficult to have strong views on anything so absurd. Like having strong views on flat-earthism, astrology and the like.

The idea of death is so unattractive that it was inevitable that some people would run away from it and invent the concept of an afterlife. And since such an idea is irrational its only natural home would be within religion.

I have said before that it's the one great delusion about which you can never be disillusioned. You can go through your whole life in the cosy comfort of such a belief and then, when your eyes finally close and you sink into that black nothingness that commonsense tells you will happen, you will have no consciousness left to realise that you had been wrong all the time.

Still if it keeps people happy, there's no harm - though I do feel sorry for people who so dislike this life that they eagerly await 'a better one'.
So whats your views on life after death??

There is no credible evidence to suggest any such thing exists. We live on in the memories of those who knew us and in the genes of our children.

Is there really a heaven and hell??
There's no convincing reason to think so.

Do ghosts exsit??
Most reports of ghosts rely on selective, incomplete annecdotal reports, often from the superstitious and emotionally invested. It's virtually impossible to debunk them because even though naturalistic explanations almost certainly account for the experience, these cannot ever be tested to the satisfaction of a believer.

Has anyone got any stories/Views to share on this subject?
For life after death you need to believe in an immortal soul.

For a soul to come into being it must be possible for it to die.

It's just the reverse process

Therefore there's no immortal soul so no life after death.

Or maybe put simply - life after death is like life before birth
You're recycled into compost and could grow into a tomato - be consumed by Jordan or Jade; luck of the draw!
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I like your views Tamborine. :)
Tambourine: Given my luck I'll be cattle fodder and end up as methane!
I agree with Waldo
Well, you're only a Catholic, so not a *real* Chritstian anyway - it was hardly much of a leap from there to start agreeing with godless positions I support, was it?

Have you started eating babies yet or are you working up to it gradually?

Yours in Satan,

An Atheist.
No Waldo, not into eating babies, I am more into helping produce them. I�ve had a lot of practice over the years.

Kindest Regards
A Catholic Roman
I don't recommend you enter my's extremely boring and just black & white.

Live your colorful life with all the romance & imagination afforded.
Then, sir, you do not agree with me. Away with you to your Mariah Carey records.
I believe people come back and throw things accross rooms. wooooooooooo woooooooooooooooo

considering what my user name is I think I have certainly out done myself there with cutting edge humour. Please feel free to comment on my post.

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