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The Cause Of Creation.

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Theland1 | 15:09 Sun 05th Apr 2009 | Religion & Spirituality
45 Answers
Just as it is possible to affirm a belief in God, so it is equally possible to deny the existence of God. Proofs for either position are amazingly difficult to convince those holding the opposite viewpoints. It has been stated in these threads, that the atheistic, secular, scientific position on the origin of the universe, i.e. "Something from nothing in the big bang," is quite simply, "We don't know." Does not knowing therefore present a neutral observer with the anticipation of any and every possible answer, in other words, a blank sheet, or is the sheet not blank, and written across the top is, "There is no God."


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Evading the point and changing the subject as usual, Theland.
Theland, When was the last time you witnessed an attribute or action leave its host and take on a life of its own? Been a while, hasn�t it? A verb liberated from its noun has entered oblivion.

An action or attribute can not exist apart from that which possesses it nor can an event take place where there is no place for an event to take place. Time and place are each dependent corollaries of the universe that they describe. Beyond the universe there is no time, no place, no way, no how.

Objectivity requires that we take into account all the available evidence and intellectual growth demands that we maintain the quest towards further understanding. Could our universe be the spawn of a precursory existence? Is the universe we live in and observe influenced by as yet unperceived subtle outside forces not yet understood? Perhaps, perhaps. But if our hope is to make the most of and realise the potential value of this remarkable opportunity we have been given to accumulate an understanding and gain a comprehension of the universe, ourselves and our relationship to the rest of existence, a prospect provided by virtue of no less than 13 odd billion years of cosmic evolution, the current sum of the evidence available suggests that our efforts are best rewarded by opening doors within rather than seeking an exit from reality or an alternative to reason.
^^ Now THAT'S reason!
i know the topic of jesus will keep everyone talking to each other even if its to ask the question ,who was jesus? i think he was a man who had a belife , and he was put to death because of it . now the next question would be why?
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Oh dear Mibs, that was like showing a film of football hooligans, and branding all football supporters with the same iron.
Shame on you!
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Mibs - "forces not yet understood ........ ?"
Naomi - a bit premature with the adulation don't you think?
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Keenan ...... -- Many reasons, but primarily Gods' will as a plan for our salvation.
The human dimension involved Jesus rattling the cage of the Roman occupying power, the status quo of the Pharisee Sanhedrin, and denying the great unashed the promised Messiah, "Son Of David, the conquering king," when He was in fact, "Yeshua Ben Joseph," the suffering servant, not what the people wanted at the time - they missed Him - to repeat the words of the song - "He sank beneath your wisdom like a stone ...... "
(Suzanne - Leonard Cohen).
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chakka35 - what on earth are you talking about?
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"unashed" - should have read, "unwashed."
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Chuck and Dave, wireless commentators on the big fight - Theland versus The Atheists.

Round 1 - Well Dave, Theland is up against it this time, from the blue corner, all alone, he faces a gang of bloodthirsty atheists in the red corner, the bell has gone and it's round one!
Yeah Chuck, and Theland has gone into the centre of the ring and the atheists are circling him.
Theland drops to his knees - what's going on?
Dave, that is a state of grace, and the atheists are puzzled and backing off!
Well Chuck, it's working as the atheists have gone back to their corner and are huddling down.
Look Dave, Theland is on his feet and doing some fancy footwork, as chakka comes around to his side .... what's this? Chakka has just fired a question into Thelands left ear .... oh my ... but look! It's come right out his right ear and Theland is still on his feet. Oh what a fight.
And there goes the bell for the end of round one.
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Theland is drinking cans of Fosters and the atheists are eatng babies as the bell goes for round two. Over to you Dave. Thanks Chuck, and yes, Theland once again goes into the middle of the ring, and the atheists can do nothing as Theland has given them nothing to react to. As you know, atheism is reactive and not proactive so Theland must feel safe for the moment.
But look Dave, the McFroog isw attacking, his bottom lip is out, he looks angry, and Wow! Theland falls back on to the ropes! He stays on his feet ... just! What happened there Chuck? Well Dave, I think the Froog called Theland "Sonny," and that got to where it hurts, and almost put Theland on to the floor!
And there's trhe bell for the end of round two.
.......... the current sum of the evidence available suggests that our efforts are best rewarded by opening doors within rather than seeking an exit from reality or an alternative to reason.

Theland, ^^ No, I don't think it's premature. That is reason, so credit where credit is due.
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Round three Dave and Theland takes position in the centre again - but the Mibs is attacking now, reeling blow afer blow of philosophical enlightenment and logical ratonalism - oh my Theland is counterattacking with some Bible verses and the atheists are getting hotter and hotter - they can smell blood. Yes Chuck, Theland has taken some punishment there, and the Wizard who has been rubbing his wand since round one, has now splurted blue magic everywhere making the floor quite slippery.
Look Dave, Theland has just lobbed a prophecy at the atheists, but they are throwing questions back - Theland ducks and the questions go right over his head! Whatg a battle!
There goes the bell for the end of round three and Theland staggers back to his corner as the atheists huddle down to plan their next attack.
Theland dear, I've just read your sports report. Do I detect a smidgeon of a victim mentality? If you want to win this fight against the baby eating, evil, immoral atheists, you have to land straight and accurate punches, but whichever way you look at it, religion just isn't up to the job.
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Round 4 Dave, and Theland dances out into the centre of the ring again, looking pretty fresh and strong.
Yes Chuck, he looks ready for anything, but here come the atheists - what are they doing?
Dave, they're shielding somebody, somethings going on - oh look, they're parting left and right, AND THELAND IS DOWN - HE IS DOWN, THE REFEREE IS COUNTING - EIGHT, NINE ,TEN! iT'S ALL OVER - THELAND IS OUT FOR THE COUNT!
Chuck - what a blow, the atheists went left and right, and from the back came Naomi and hit Theland with a great big custard pie right in the kisser! Theland never saw it coming and he went down like a ton of bricks.
It's all over.
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Phew! Still dazed!
Gimme a moment.
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Naomi, (I love it when you call me dear - it reminds me of Blackpool), please check your diaries.
You will find that I never been a supporter of religion.
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".... have never ..... "
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Sherman - Yes, religious people were involved in slavery, AND apartheid, inquisition, segregation, third reich, IRA, UDA, etc need I go on?
I am not religious.
I am a born again Christian who follows the teaching of Christ as I understand it from the New Testament, without bending the meaning in any way.
Is that an answer?

yes, chakka ?????
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chakka35 - Your pedantic attitude and demeanour, (totally devoid of any hostility or unfriendliness of course), belies the fact that although you totally accept spontaneous creation, and abiogenesis, you ridiculed my suggestion some ago that you could return home and find your house, "spontaneously decorated," as this is not in your sphere of experience, yet neither are the former which you readily accept.
I fear that your imagined freedom of mind is in fact a straight jacket of a paradigm not of your own making, and not only do you not try to free yourself from it, you don't even realise your extremely restricted position.
Break out chakka. To use managementspeak - think outside the box! Break down the walls that surround your thinking and find true freedom in Jesus Christ, instead of slavishly following the psuedo sciences that are true today and wrong tomorrow. Remember when the earth was flat?

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