Keyplus provides a classic example of a claim of faith healing. Let's break it down to the possible cures:
1) The verses from the Koran.
2) Saliva
3) Soothing attention from an adult
1) is untestable, but like the Bible, I bet Allah never heals amputees.
2) Saliva is alkaline and a Google search will show many citations of it being used to cure bee stings.
3) The psychology of pain is well known. For example, if you get someone to look at an injury through a magnifying device, they perceive the pain is greater. Conversely, if you get them to look through something that makes it look futher away, they percieve less pain. The attention of an adult is nearly always sought by a child because it normally makes most injuries seem less terrible, often through removing panic. Just having the child feel calmer could well be expected to lessen the perception of the injury.
Keyplus says the swelling never occured, but we cannot vouch for how good his memory is. It may be excellent, but it may be terrible. Did he really not swell up, or did he refrain from touching on the instructions of the aunt and so isn't conscious of them? Was there any other balm applied that he's simply not remembered?
There are simple too many variables to conclude anything concrete, except doubt.