Complete and utter cack. Do you seriously believe that people reject perfectly servicable codes of ethics and morality merely because they're in the Bible..?
"'Ang on, boys - it sez murder ain't on in ver Bible, dunnit? So that means it's obligatory."
You don't need the Bible to work out that murder is bad, but that doesn't imply that because something is in the Bible it must be bad.
Moreover, given the domination of the church for the past two millenniums, one would hardly be surprised to find they have significantly informed current societal norms.
For example, people who claim homosexuality isn't normal are very influenced by centuries of Biblical teaching on the matter. It was only this year that the true extent of homosexuality in nature was understood, and therefore there was an evidential basis for rejecting such a claim, but while that may see a more enlightened view prevail, it will not instanteously undo years of influence, nor will it change the fact that quite a lot of the Bible's teachings are perfectly defensible even if one has rejected the supernatural.