Those parents were really stupid, they thought prayer alone would heal their daughter. If you are a believer then prayer can help, but only with proper treatment as well.
I don't believe God let him down, he should have realised that trained medics are there to help too. If you believe, God gave them all the help they needed, they just chose not to take it. Prayer alone won't do it, you have to get other help as well.
It just shows how stupid a fundamentalist belief in religion can make you. - I am sure that all that certainty burns away brain cells - might make for an interesting research programme.
If this idiot felt he was doing whats best for his daughter by praying for her, rather than doing the sensible thing and getting her to a doctor, then presumably he is now pleased that she has gone to a better place?
I'm sure religion is a comfort to those who abnegate the responsibility to think, to acknowledge responsibility for the beliefs they hold from whomever they were handed down and the subsequent consequences of their actions. However those who are the victims of those who ask god to do their thinking for them can take little comfort in the faith based beliefs of those that do them harm, that they, the faithful, will be eternally rewarded for their irrational beliefs whilst their victims burn in hell.
My mother in law (religious) said "haven't they suffered enough", when she heard he had been convicted. Ummmmm no - they let their kid die! It's frightening that people could be this deluded. There was footage on the news earlier, I'm pretty sure it was a bible he was sitting with.
i am not sure you can say god let this man down. a very tragic situation based on stupidity of the parents and those around them who must have noticed the girl was very ill
I do believe in god and the power of prayer. The parents were wrong - God gave us the ability to make choices and in this case the choices made were incorrect and casued much suffering.
Now the parents need to know that it is the will of God they should serve time in prison.
but what about neighbours and family, friends where where they to help this child?? Too often people dont get involve when necessary. They are equally culpabale