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Your nephew is getting baptised...

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dizmouk2009 | 03:50 Mon 28th Dec 2009 | Religion & Spirituality
23 Answers
Your sister-in-law has asked you to go to the baptism but you don't believe in god; what do you do?


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I think it is only the Godparents who have to believe.
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I was asked to be a godparent
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Anyone whom attends a baptism show they have a belief in god.
Then if you don't believe, you will have to decline, stating your reasons.
As its a traditional ceremony brought into modern commercialisms, you can see it as more of a guardianship of the child with a religious blessing. Baptismal certificates are necessary for when the child is adult and wants a church wedding or attend faith schools, or as support for a passport

Attend and be the requested god-parent, as you are chosen as a reliable guardian if/when the child needs one.
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This is not a present situation, I was wondering what other people though :)

I declined and in doing so the baptism never happened. Even though my sister-in-law is religions (and my brother is not) she was not actually able to baptise my nephew because she was unable, due to religeon, force anyone religious to attend the baptism. Instead we planted a tree, had a BBQ and I got drunk afterwards (I spent 7 hours serving food, damn right). Guess what, natures lovelies (rabbits) ate the tree :D
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People who do not believe in god should not attend a baptism. I don't go church nor have I ever been baptised and I never will.
A parent can baptise their child themself by saying the catholic prayer "I baptise thee (name of child) in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost" and wetting the baby's forehead.

Any parent who does same has their own conscience, faith and belief in the ceremony.
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Could you copy and paste said part because I'm not following..

"............The Minister of the Sacrament of Baptism:

Since the form of baptism requires just the water and the words, the sacrament, like the Sacrament of Marriage, does not require a priest; any baptized person can baptize another. In fact, when the life of a person is in danger, even a non-baptized person—including someone who does not himself believe in Christ—can baptize, provided that the person performing the baptism follows the form of baptism and intends, by the baptism, to do what the Church does—in other words, to bring the person being baptized into the fullness of the Church............."
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So basically anyone can slap a bit of water on and ensure a church wedding?
a wedding is a different ceremony and doesn't require water. A wedding can be conducted by a ships captain, registrar etc. Though it wouldn't be recognised by the catholic church unless performed by a priest.
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What I'm saying is that anyone -out of church, can perform a baptism?
yes, dizz they can, providing they say the prayer I quoted & wet the forehead. You can't do it to yourself when you wash ;)
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"In fact, when the life of a person is in danger, even a non-baptized person—including someone who does not himself believe in Christ" I'm going to finish this on a song.....

I wouldn't sacrifice my life for a dog,
Oh sorry yes I would, I ment, errm whats his name that rhymes with dog.
I wouldn't like to think I'm off to hell,
Although I'm cold now and the warmth would really help me,
I'd like to pretend that I'm fine but actually, yes I am, I'm swell,
I have nothing left to rhyme so I will probably go for a cup-o tea.

*Bows* xxxxxx
dizz, I did check.....alas I can't give you 'the last rites' ;)
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Hows about a kiss? that always seems to make me feel heavenly loved ;p
the thing about a ships' Captain being able to perform a marriage ceremony is not true and never was. They of course can officiate at any ceremony that has no legal or church value as can any other person but they have no special powers in this respect and any ceremony they preside over will have no more religeous or legal significance than if anyone else did it.

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Your nephew is getting baptised...

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