I don't think Ankou needs anyone to fight his corner but as he's getting some vicious abuse from two fronts I'd like to volunteer a voice of support.
Regarding the original statement, it doesn't seem that far of the mark to me. Only my perception I admit, but on the "Is there a God" type questions the No sayers seem very vocal and unbending. Not neccessarily evidence of hatred but if I was told there was no-one posting on R&S with a very strong adversity to religion I would be extremely sceptical.
Regarding the naming of names, hear, hear, there's enough mud slinging on AB as it is, why should we add to it.
Finally regarding the liar slur - I've read all the posts and can't see a lie. Ankou can't get on here 24/7, sometimes he may have 5 minutes to post a quick comment but not to spend time on a thought out response. He never stated he hadn't been on here. The last debate I was involved in on R&S I eventuall dipped out of because I didn't have the time to put together a well thought out reply.
I've assumed Ankou is male, apologies if this is incorrect. I now look forward to your ire.