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Luna, you say no one can answer these questions, but since the faithful are usually very keen to tell us what God's intentions are, and say with all certainty that he 'calls' people, and that he will provide for those he calls, I have to ask why his fan club aren't able to answer this. Her mission resulted in her brutal death - an appalling waste of a young life - and it did no one any good at all, so unless God planned for her to be butchered, in which case he has a very sick mind, his plan has gone disastrously wrong. Therefore the evidence would suggest that he is either a homicidal maniac, or that he is not omnipotent, he is not omniscient, and his wisdom leaves a lot to be desired. It would be interesting to know how God would fare in a court of law.
By the way, I've been asked to tell you to check your emails. Just passing the message on.