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Mediums, Psychics and the After Life

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ojread2 | 19:19 Sat 01st May 2010 | Religion & Spirituality
38 Answers
I've always been on the fence as far as this subject is concerned until a couple of weeks back. Now I'm firmly on the side of believing

Does anyone seek readings regularly? Have they been accurate?


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years ago I was interested in all that stuff, but now I am very cynical. they say such generic things in a room full of people, or rely on picking up bits of info an individual gives away. no one ever said anything astounding to me.

in my opinion!
I was thinking about going to a spiritulist church meeting
I would be interested to attend one of those psychic events to see if my dad or uncle could be contacted but im very cynical too. I expect that some of the audience members will be plants and will be the participants
filthiestfis, they say things like, "I've got a Mary here, anyone know a Mary?" silence. then someone says, "I know a Maud" and they say, "yes, I think it's Maud!"

I'd still like to believe.. but I don't!
Yes Sara3 I expect it would be like that. Mary is such a common name that somebody is bound to know a Mary! What if the psychic could be more specific though and mention things that were unique to the departed sole thats made an appearance?
Always been cynical to this kind of stuff, but since mum died suddenly,would really like to be proven wrong
if it happened to me, I'd be impressed. if it happened to someone else, I'd be deeply suspicious!

a friend of mine had a reading about 6 weeks ago. apparently she was told her daughter would leave her boyfriend for another man, and she would be delighted. the boyfriend ditched her and she was devastated, and my friend said, "that's what he must have meant!"

if you really want to believe, you'll hear what you want to hear!
Yep your right sara
sorry, I don't mean to dash anyone's hopes. go, and see how it is.

but they know we all go because we've lost someone, and it's pretty easy to draw vulnerable people in.

or, try a one-to-one but give nothing away!
Sara your friend's daughter might be delighted in the long run!
maybe... that's just not the way it was supposed to work, lol!
Is it not akin to horoscopes? I always look at mine and OH's, and mutter about what it might mean, but if you look again a week later you can usually fit something into it. One-twelfth of the population can't all be meeting tall dark strangers or getting into trouble at work! I do think that we are all sentient beings and everthing in the universe has to be interrelated, so astrology is not all tosh, but the way it's presented it. Re the afterlife, someone close told me a while back that they knew someone who thought they'd "got in touch" with my dad, and it really upset me that they'd even tried - I believe it letting well alone, and who is gone is gone - they will always with you, but in another dimension, and we here shouldn't meddle. IMO - others will, I know, feel differently.
Wish I could see Derek Acorah live if only for a laugh! My friend went to see him 5 years ago and said he got agitated because no one in the crowd was putting their hand up when he mentioned names.
years back i was going through a terrible time in a relationship and am ashamed to say I got hooked on telephone clairvoyants. Most of it was garbage but every so often they would say something (his name, type of job for example) that they couldn't possibly have known. There is definitely something in it.
i have recently been to see Colin Fry's show and must admit a lot of it was hit and miss.

But i heard a tale of a good friend of my best friend that really does lead me to believe that there are good ones out there, somewhere
i posted this on another thread a few months back

"someone i know ( a very close friend of my best mate) lost her fiance in a tragic car accident.
a while later she went to see a medium.
the medium said pretty general things that could be attributed to many people so this friend didnt really think much of it. The medium knew that she was hoping for some comfort following her loved ones death in an accident
The medium then said that the fiance had broken his arm in the accident. This was not true, but she insisted that the guy she could see was sporting a broken arm.

it wasnt until the medium showed the woman exactly what she could see that the woman broke down.

The guy was holding his "broken" arm up to show her the medium said, copying the motion exactly. This was actually how the guy used to wave, he'd hold his arm with his opposite hand.

He was waving. "
I went to see a medium quite a few times over the years. I was sceptical at first but this lady had a reputation for being accurate, and she was. She told me things that had happened that no-one else could have known even getting the names right.
So there is something to it. Unfortunately she passed away a few years ago and I don't know of another one. I would like to go again to see what my mother would say.
There are some charlatans out there, and I think the mass meetings are a waste of money.
ojread2, so what happened a couple of weeks back that changed your mind?
Befoe i go, i would like to say that yes there is an afterlife and yes there are spiritual beings.....I have experienced those things in a NDE i had some years ago.
Garmard, would you please tell us about it? I'm seriously interested.

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