Ok Naomi the codex's stretch across several years.
The New Testament Gospels were certainly written after Jesus' passion, and not even in the correct order.
Gospel of Thomas - hidden sayings (138,1-4) The hidden sayings that the Savior spoke to Judas Thomas, and I, Mathaias, in return recorded. I was walking, listening to them speak with each other. Another one would be 'Excerpt from the perfect discourse'.
'I' pro-noun, singular, present tense. Had it been 'they' I would agree with you Naomi. There is lots of past tense in the NH especially in 'the paraphrase of shem', .
Did you find these text from 'that' Daniel Brown film???
Decide for your-self. Buy the book, don't buy the book? I'm out. This is going to go on and on and on.