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does God wear clothes?

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joggerjayne | 08:30 Wed 04th Aug 2010 | Religion & Spirituality
26 Answers
I mean ... why would he ?

... and where would he get the material ?

But it seems inappropriate to think of Him being naked.


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might find him here but have to say it is still Lucy i'd drag screaming to my boudoir
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Talking of fig-leaves, I wonder who it was that Adam and Eve were hiding their bodies from. Hardly each other, and there was no-one else around. Very odd.
Well eve probably felt her bum looked too big in the other leaves she tried and as fig leaves are quite big adam was trying to give the impression he had more than god provided...
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From God of course Chakka. He gets very upset when people who aren't married get together naked. ;o)

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