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Merry Christmas everyone.

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naomi24 | 09:42 Mon 20th Dec 2010 | Religion & Spirituality
44 Answers
Much love,

Naomi x


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Thank you Naomi. Merry Christmas to you and your family and all the ABers, even MarkRea. I really do wish for Peace on Earth but know that it is like rolling it uphill with a pointy stick.
Bah humbug ;-)
Erm, Trying to get on Santa's good side Naomi . . . just in case? ;o)
Merry Christmas, Naomi, everybody. God bless us one and all.
Bah - Sandy had to go and lower the tone by bringing God into it ;)

Have a wondrous Winterval all ;) ( Just in case we arent allowed by the Government to use the term m*rry x*as)
And a Merry Christmas to you also Naomi.

Long may your name stand for common sense on AB,

And a Merry Christmas to everyone else also.
To you and your family also, Naomi, a very merry Xmas and a happy new year, and to all of your friends here on AB as well.
ditto Naomi, from sunny Australia where half the country is under water and there is snow on the hills.xx
Merry Christmas
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Thanks for all your good wishes. Here's to a very merry Christmas, and a happy and healthy New Year. Cheers. (Clink!). :o)
And God bless!
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Oh go on then. If you must. Goodwill to all men and all that. :o)
It's curious how the atheists and agnostics come into religious threats when it suits them.
Still, I'll join in wishing them all a Merry Xmas and a happy and peaceful New Year ;-)
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Religious threats Sandy? That sounds about right to me. ;o)
Freudian slip.
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Haaaaaaaaaaa! Didn't like to mention it. (I can't stop laughing!). :o)))))
Sandy - Atheists come to religious "threat" because they have nowhere else to go.
. . . nowhere that hasn't been touched and corrupted by the repressive influence and control of religion, and is a safe haven from the cross-fire of warring religious factions, that is.

Seasons greetings to all who honour and defend the sanctity and rights of the individual and promote the struggle for personal responsibility, autonomy and independence.
mlbn once again you and I agree. May god Or goddess bless you all (but only if you want.)...Naomi, I love the new avatar.
Same here Naomi . . . although the other one wasn't half bad either. ;o)

I hope Santa gave you and everyone else here no less than half of what you deserve . . . however envious of Santa that might make me. (apologies to Bilbo).

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Merry Christmas everyone.

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