This is just something I wonder from time to time. Forgetting all the evidence to the contrary, say that there is a God and He is looking over all of us. Now as we're on the hypothetical, let's just say He is actually a sort of evil guy, the kind of person who likes to toy with little kittens like giving them some food then starving them for a few days before eventually putting them into a vaccuum bag and sucking the life from them. Imagine that God is doing the same thing only we are the kittens. What do you reckon?
Remember when the Bishop of Durham denied the Immaculate Conception? God struck his cathedral with a thunderbolt and set it on fire. We need to be careful here.
They thought the Evil God created the World and hence Christians made that interpretation.
They were a dualist faith believing that you could reach union with the "good god" by living a perfect life if you decided not to embark on life as a "perfect" you would be reincarnated into this world.
Waldo, I was thinking more of going down the sun worshipping route as I'm pretty sure that is the origin of all belief systems, only I'm not sure how to go about it. keyplus, I think you are wrong, as far as I'm aware the bulk of humanity is illiterate and living in poverty.
Hi Jake.. I am not quite sure what the distinction is between the concept of an 'evil god' and 'the devil' , I read up on the Cathars about 20 years ago but thanks for the reference.
It's scary to think that in the afterlife God could just be like a normal person might be and chuck people into hell for his own amusement. Where's the justice?