Question Author
Not an awful lot of response in kind to my probability exercise.
I asked that religious belief be kept out of it because I'm well aware that Christians believe out of pure faith and are not interested in historical facts. For example, jno talks about the sepulchre being fixed on the spot of the crucifixion by people who knew where it was. How does she know that? What people? How does she know that Jesus was crucified if we have no evidence that he existed? jno believes it because she has faith, that's all.
(Also, when she asks what the point would have been of inventing him she could ask the same question of all the classical Greek and Roman gods and many others.)
To assume that Jesus existed as some sort of good man or ordinary teacher (as naomi does) is to cherry-pick. How can my original analysis lead to that view? Unless you merely mean that there were ordinary men called Jesus, of which there would have been many, it being a very common name, then there is still no evidence of the existence of the NT Jesus even if you strip him of his miracle-working and other magic.
Since naomi is not here to bristle and call me lazy I will use the well-established commonsense route of Occam's Razor. The simplest an most straightforward solution to the question implied in my analysis is that Jesus did not exist.
And that us what I shall assume from now on ... unless, of course, someone supplies some evidence that he did.