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Anyone believe in having a guardian angel?

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tinkerbell23 | 19:57 Tue 08th Mar 2011 | Religion & Spirituality
27 Answers
Have you had contact? Any signs?



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Odd pennies and feathers keep appearing.
I didn't think they would be 'up for it'
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Hahahahahaha naz!! Cmon now im into this stuff hahahah
I think
You may have seen ones facey hahah

Chiswicik- do tell!?? Xx
Ok, ya got me. :-)
My little girl jumped out of her bedroom window and escaped without a single scratch. She fell to the left onto a flowerbed, if she had gone in any other direction she would have fallen onto concrete. Now i know it is probably just a lucky coincidence that she was ok but i just have this feeling that 'someone' looked out for her that day.
Not sure, but have been told that they do exist. Just think about that poem called "Footsteps" about the Lord protecting us when we needed help most.
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I believe 100% - feel recently little signs have occured, which i welcome xx
Isn't it a bit unfair that some people will land on flowerbeds and others on concrete.
Who gives these guardian angels their briefs?
I fell off a rock face and landed in deep snow- inches from a crevasse. Just got lucky
So there must be guardian devils for the people that fall on the concrete. Do we have one of each and sometime one or other has a bad day ( because their guardian angel/devil is having a good or bad day.. ad infinitum. Occam wherefore arte thou?
Maybe it was my daughters guardian devil which persuaded her to jump out of the window in the first place!!
It's a nice thing to believe in.
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I definately believe....was reading a book but snowed under with uni work at moment....did have a section on whynbad things still happen will post here regarding ut when i can....i find it comforting x
tinkerbell, I hope you're not reading any subject connected with probability or logic. If you are you have a long way to go.
not at all for me, i'm afraid. my neighbour started talking to me about her 'guardian angel' and i ran away as quickly as possible. a batty thing to believe in...and i was raised a catholic, btw. sorry! x
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Im catholic too....its just a book of stories from people who believe angels helped them and a how to contact them, nothing spectacular i got it for my christmas! Xx
Only last week I had one of those experiences where you think someone is looking after you ... I tripped over a step and landed in the pub..!
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Anyone believe in having a guardian angel?

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