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Are you proud to be British?

Are you proud to be British?

Results ★

I am proud to be British but there are times in our past and some parts of today's society that I'm not proud of.
No. I would emigrate tomorrow if I could. This country is a complete mess and I'm ashamed to be British.
It's getting worse. Being British has too many negative ideas attached to it and society needs to improve, fast.
Yes, this is a great country and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else in the world.

Are you proud to be British?

Total: 1736
A.I am proud to be British but there are times in our past and some parts of today's society that I'm not proud of.30.88 %536
B.No. I would emigrate tomorrow if I could. This country is a complete mess and I'm ashamed to be British.30.18 %524
C.It's getting worse. Being British has too many negative ideas attached to it and society needs to improve, fast.24.14 %419
D.Yes, this is a great country and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else in the world.14.80 %257
Stats until: 07:10 Sun 22nd Dec 2024 (Refreshed every 5 minutes)