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Nectar Card Points Stolen

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MargoTester | 10:34 Sat 24th Oct 2015 | Spam & Scams
26 Answers
I checked my Sainsburys receipt when I got home from shopping and noticed that the value was £24. I knew that I had a lot more than that saved for my Christmas shop - well over £50 I thought. I rang Nectar to find that somebody had redeemed 15000 points, value £75, in Argos South Ruislip. It actually happened when I was in hospital. They have cancelled the card and are investigating. Has anybody got any idea how this could have happened, surely you would need the card to redeem the points. Should I be worried about security?


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i've finally had my new card through but the stolen points have been transferred
so i'm still over £30 in debit and can't use the points I'd collected.
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Tigerbetsy - you do have to wait 28 days for them to investigate, so you should give them a ring about 18th December, good luck.
I've now rung back 3 times to be variously told that it was resolved but I had to wait for my points back, that it was in process and finally that they haven't investigated at all, and I have to wait another 28 days for them to investigate. It's a complete joke. Every time I ring I am told something different. And to cap it all, I was told tonight I can't speak to the right department to resolve unless I ring between 9 and 5....
Finally after 6 emails and 5 phone calls I've had my stolen points refunded today. I've had to keep chasing and have been told so many different stories, and it has taken 2 months. The moral is - keep on at them and don't be fobbed off.
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Glad to see you finally got it sorted. It does take a lot of time and patience and persistence!
Tesco are safer. They send vouchers quarterly through the post - and they are better value. Tesco reward card is useless to anyone else.
I spent my nectar points in the local Sainsbury but got no points. Spend Tesco vouchers and you still get points.

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