This morning I received what I believe to be a scam email from PayPal. It stated that I'd paid £300 to XXX in Spain but as it was from an unknown device confirmation was needed from me within 24 hrs.
My email Addy varied from what it really is, and the sender Addy was long.
I sent a copy to spoof@paypal, had a standard reply that was headed as above. What does that mean?
Just ignore it.
You've done the right thing in reporting it to PayPal.
Any email that comes through that doesn't address you by name and also wants you to log on via a link, is always going to be spam.
The general rule is NEVER click on any links you get in an email; no matter how kosher they may appear.
If in doubt, log on in the way that you normally do; but NOT by clicking on any links.
Maybe it was blocked because of an infected attachment. Just delete it. I am not sure PayPal can do much about these scam emails anyway even if your report had reached them.