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I Tried To Log In To My Banking App.

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sandyRoe | 16:30 Fri 02nd Aug 2024 | Spam & Scams
23 Answers

A page appeared asking for my 10 digit customer number, password, and 4 digit number for ATM use.

It looks very suspicious.

If I went into the bank would they tell me if this is a scam?



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Best thing to do sandy is give all the information asked,then if all your money disappears out of your account,then it is a scam,if your money doesnt disappear then it is not a scam.Give it a go.
16:35 Fri 02nd Aug 2024

My banking app requires a prearranged 6 digit number to continue in order to log in.

yes this is a deffo  scam

How about everyone withdraws enough hard cash to last a good few weeks and refuses to play ball with the banks until they become more sensible and make on-line simpler and install a shared banking hub (quite cheap when they all share) in every town?  Utopia would result!

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I Tried To Log In To My Banking App.

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