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Peter Pedant | 11:43 Sat 26th Oct 2024 | Spam & Scams
5 Answers

Track a phone  - not a  free app - £39 a month - no refunds when you find out you have been done and it has never been used. 

Push fraud - punter has to bear the loss

Trust  pilot has some sadder cases than mine



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Seems many people got scammed by this whilst trying to pay for car parking.

Since 7th October banks must refund authorised push payment frauds within 5 working days

I suspect that there are many thousands of people who have fallen for these types of scams (not as extreme as this), where they have unknowingly signed up to some repeat payment authorisation and are not aware of it.


I still receive both my current account and credit card statements in paper-form, and check each entry (money in and out), so I don’t get scammed in this way.


Occasionally I might see a payment that looks strange, but this is usually due to a merchant I’ve paid appearing as a different name on the statement.

This one seems to be either a look a like website supposedly to pay for parking or a fake QR code on parking meters

I don't tend to pay for apps. Don't feel happy about Play Store having a card number, and don't like the idea of using phone credit to pay bills (that's just bizarre). Definitely not attracted to monthly charges. (In fact, hate the energy companies that switched from quarterly payments in order to hassle and threaten every blessed month. They should go and imitate a duck.)


However a find-a-phone app seems useful. Might be able to find my woman in the supermarkets when she's rushed from one aisle to another, and I'm then looking at ages checking each aisle in turn, trying to find where she's hiding now. (Probably wouldn't work though as "every" supermarket finds it hilarious to have their customer WiFi claim you're connected while admitting that you have no Internet connection.)

I don't know what you mean by 'using phone credit to pay bills' OG.  You've never paid a bill over your landline?


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