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Its official Pep to leave Barca

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Ric.ror | 10:53 Fri 27th Apr 2012 | Football
39 Answers
Now after a short break from football where do you think he will go?

And how long do you think Sir Alex will carry on for?
(Can you see what I am getting at?)


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Ronaldo left to join a bigger club.
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10.cst, True. I should have said 'ronaldo joined a bigger club.'
Pep wants to sample the extremes of football management...

Just seen him waiting for the 256 to Wolverhampton :)
10ClarionSt, OGS - Ole Gunnar Solskjær, to follow SAF really do you think.
Thanks A, I couldn't work out who OGS was.
I am more interested in who will replace him.
Don't expect any british names on the shortlist.
David Moyes? He's British.
Sorry, I meant Moyes to Old Trafford not Barca.
Hopkirk, you had me scared for a minute there.
Sorry, didn't see the second page.
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Oh I would love Ole to return
Other than him I would love David Moyes to replace SAF even if it meant a couple of seasons mid table. Would hate us to end up like Chelski
Just read that Pep's assistant, Tito Vilanova, has been promoted to the top job. Business as usual then.
Would hate us to end up like Chelski

Do you mean changing the Manager every ten month without giving them a fair crack at the whip, totally agree. It didn't even cross my mind about OGS, even after the success with the reserves and doing well with Molde.

It would be a good choice even if still a little inexperienced, but yep it would be Moyes for me if the second choice was mine.
What, not Jose, Arksided?
I have great respect for Mr Mourinho and has in the past hinted at wanting the job, however I do think it would be a 'stop gap' kind of thing with him. United will need someone with more dedication and commitment to the club.

whoever takes the mantle will undoubtedly have a massive challenge filling SAFs' shoes, and Moyes to me seems to fit that criteria of dedication.

OGS would be great though :-)
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Sacking a manager in a corridor is one of the reasons I would hate to end up like Chelski
There are others

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