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zabado | 10:36 Sun 27th Jan 2013 | Football
10 Answers
Would this work ?.. . All the money involved in football had it's decimal point moved one place to the left. That way a player on £60,000 a week would earn £6,000 per week (I'm sure I could live on that ).This move would also make a £40 ticket to a premiership game £4. What do you think ?. ( nice dream eh! )


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All that would need to happen to make it work would be for the public to stop paying so much to watch football, buy the tat and so on......
Why is it always footballers wages people complain about? What about F1drivers, golfers, tennis players etc. they also earn astronomical amounts of money and charge even more to watch.
Golfers win extraordinary amounts of money, get huge sponsorship deals, and have much longer careers than footballers...........
They do get paid too much but unless you vote with your feet, it won't change.

Do netball player get paid?
I don't suppose they do but even that is too much....
At least our netball team whitewashed the number one team in the world. I can't see our national football team beating Italy, Spain, or Brazil once let alone 3 times.
And you tuned in to watch it Crafty?
Don't be daft Mick..............
2-0 to us Crafty .....wooo hooo
Naughty Mick ;-)
I remember Johnny Haynes [Who he? Ed.] earning £100 a week, and the abolition of the minimum wage, which, I think, was only £10 a week at the time. Now, was the admission price the same in those days, in relation to the average wage, as it is now or is it now much higher?

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