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Liverpool - the lighter side

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bibblebub | 09:57 Thu 14th Oct 2010 | Football
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And from Twitter:

If Rooney moved to Liverpool it would save the tabloids having to camp outside two venues.
lol thanks for that bibble, brightened up my morning
Love the avatar bibble. :-)
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jolly good, and I wouldn't be surprised if there was some good news from Texas during this evening (might as well try to be positive).
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it had to be done Jan1957
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Someone has made a 'punch Hicks in the face' game http://www.punchinthe...h/united-states/hicks
Fairly satisfying in the absence of the real thing (or of any good news at the moment).
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The best live detailed blog is on the Guardian site

and twitter does throw up the occasional item

An interesting development is that there is a groundswell of support for a legal class action for mutual anguish, and all that sort of thing, against H&G. The Facebbok page already has several thousand supporters:
thanks again bibble

Fingers crossed....
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It would seem that G&H have no legal representation at the London court, they must realise that have no chance over here, and when the Texas judge gets told about the court proceedings here yesterday (which apparently they omitted to tell him when they got their injunction) he'll more than likely throw out the injunction.

Even if they were to be still be successful, a higher court of appeal over there would almost certainly accept the jurisdiction of the London court.

It was that Mill Financial rumour that seemed to be the spanner in the works but that did turn out to only be a rumour.

That's what I've gleaned from websites but I know nothing of the legal intricacies.
Yes it was the Mill Financial rumour that worried me... are we sure now that's all it was?
It seems H&G prepared the injunction before yesterdays hearing too.
The whole mess just beggars belief

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