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Portsmouth are about to disappear

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bibblebub | 19:09 Fri 22nd Oct 2010 | Football
5 Answers
Just being reported on R5 that Portsmouth are likely to go into liquidation some time after tomorrow's game. An 11th hour deal has fallen through.

Unless this is the ultimate brinkmanship by the administrators.


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Portsmouth are always reported as being in trouble,but seem to escape time after time.So who knows? I am a Leicester fan and we survived a few crises in our time too.
If they do go under they only have themselves to blame for getting into such a financial mess
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'arry Redknapp is getting some grief on Twitter
I feel sorry for the Fans as Portsmouth have a long and distinguished History.
Of late they have been owned by Buffoons who have had only their own interest at Heart rather than the Fans. Another sad day for Football if they go into Liquidation.
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Phew, thankfully I used the word 'likely' in the question and it did turn out to be brinkmanship or online disinformation.

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Portsmouth are about to disappear

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