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My God, He's Actually Going To Do It

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excelsior-1 | 15:40 Sun 07th Jul 2013 | Other Sports
22 Answers

murray two sets to love, and two games to love leading


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Shhhhhh don't speak too soon! I have no nails left. I really, really hope he does it :)
15:42 Sun 07th Jul 2013
Shhhhhh don't speak too soon! I have no nails left. I really, really hope he does it :)
I'll start believing at 6-4 7-5 5-2 40-0. Until then... if anyone can pull this back then Novak can.
Not a fan of Murray, to be honest! Why is everyone on his side?
I daren't watch half the time..............
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yes, i have just remembered that murray came back from two sets to love down the other day, so i hope i'm not jinxing it
Can you not guess, Pixie?
Well, who else do we have?
I'm sure Murray ALWAYS comes 2nd?
No. He seems quite moody to me
Well he didn't come second when he won Olympic gold and the US Open.
He doesn't endear himself to me either Pixie - can't bear moody men who never smile ...........
Back on serve in third set -- still some way to go.
He does smile, and he can be quite amusing in his interviews. He is just a very determined guy and someone who is passionate about his sport. I don't see what's wrong with that to be honest. Each to their own though, we can't all like the same people or the world would be a very boring place.
Any guy who gives his tournament winnings (at Queens) to a charity is alright by me............
No. Thank you, Ann. I did realise it wouldn't be a popular view. Each to their own, though
I'd love to see a British person win it. Was looking forward to sitting down to watch it (not in the UK) and all we've got on tv is formula 1 and some poxy football match. CNN headline with the result will be the only bit to catch

I think we all know who to blame for the current position excelsior!
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My God, He's Actually Going To Do It

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