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Saturday Punt - 28 Sep 2024

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Ken4155 | 09:28 Sat 28th Sep 2024 | Other Sports
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3 from HQ (1.50 1st leg), 3 from Haddock and the usual trip across the water for a race at the Curragh. Jackpot stands at £50K.

Didn't do anything with the '7' yesterday, but had some good luck with my evening Lucky 15. 2 winners, Ultramarine and Navello (both drifted in price, too) followed by an also ran, left me with the choice of accepting the £58 cash out offer, or crossing my fingers in the hope that Lost In Time would earn me £250+. 

I took the offer, stuck a fiver on said nag, then sat back and watched it trail in behind most of the other runners.



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Saturday Punt - 28 Sep 2024

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