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Noisy tennis players

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Bummle | 17:32 Fri 24th Jun 2011 | Sport
45 Answers
I do wish they wouldn't make so much noise when they hit the ball - I understand about effort and aggression psychology but in my day they could play good tennis a great deal more quietly


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saxy that was Azarenka and Hantuchova.............
I heard on the TV t'other day that the tennis players don't hear their opponents as they as in the 'zone'

Shame that can't be said for the spectators.
poor bloke who beds her
Well obviously scotsman you do not understand the theory
This reminded me to get out a new toilet roll for the downstairs loo.
blimey yates, I've been cheated
tambo, don't be sexist :)
You're correct. I don't, please explain it to me.
lol..Are we going sexually again now
laymans time now scotsman, when you do karate and other contact sports, you punch and release air in your body at the same time by sort of grunting and going oosshhh.
Tennis is the same sort of thing but they release energy from within their body and grunt.
That makes the serve more powerful.
karate thrust ? Better give up the cigs
Sorry meant laymans terms
Yes give up the cigs as they are no good for you
me likes layman much
best offer all day - lol
Or I can get you a bottle of hia karate for a fiver
You cannot be serious man!!!

a fiver?!
OK £1.99 including postage
lol I can't remember what that smells like tho :(

(I can remember the shape of the bottle)

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Noisy tennis players

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