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Can anyone lend me a long pole to knock OH off the ceiling?

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Mosaic | 17:20 Sun 13th May 2012 | Sport
7 Answers
He's alternatively giggling and sobbing, something about 'it was 44 years ago last time and I was there'. I think he's been watching football again.


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Would my friend from Warsaw, Karol Ivanich, at 7ft 2 ins, be a long enough Pole for you?
22:43 Sun 13th May 2012
*passes said pole*
It's the same with my husband. He's not been the same since he got back from the Etihad stadium in Manchester this evening.
Have to love em!!
Don't worry about it Mosaic..............he'll be back down to earth next season.
Would my friend from Warsaw, Karol Ivanich, at 7ft 2 ins, be a long enough Pole for you?
Try a cricket bat. Does he actually come from Manchester? If not he has no right to be on any ceiling. Think there was a film called Support Your Local Sheriff.
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He is indeed from darkest Manchester Daisy, and used to go to Main Road as a kid. He's loved this team despite years of direst disappointment. He was there in '68 in the crowd - when supporters of all teams stood with each other without trouble or (major) abuse being spoken. Like many supporters of all teams, he finds the sheer cost of tickets prohibitive, and does not like the vitriolic abuse that is apparently normal nowadays.
Oh yes, he's a true blue, and a very happy man right now.

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Can anyone lend me a long pole to knock OH off the ceiling?

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