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Wouldn't it be a nice touch if.................

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Duncer | 16:10 Wed 11th Jul 2012 | Sport
8 Answers
.............they could incorporate some sort of memorial to Jane Tomlinson into the Olympic ceremony.

I doubt there can be a more courageous, selfless inspiring person?


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I agree Duncer, it would be vey nice. She was a lovely lady and an inspiration to others. Sad she died so early leaving her young family. I remember her well.
Excellent idea! She must not be I had done until your post.
I have only just found this, I agree she was an inspiration to us all.
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Jeez, said the non-religionist, I posted this ages ago, but let's keep it going.

I sat in tears when the Beeb did a tribute to her.
I have to admit, I don't usually come into sport.
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She transcended the normal parameters - a truly special person.
I agree she was, and to continue to raise all that money doing what even some well people would not consider.
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I can only imagine her family, though grief stricken, must have been so proud. If I was ever really ill I would pay for a tenth of her courage and selflessness.

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Wouldn't it be a nice touch if.................

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