there were plenty of negatives before the games, so any doubts were well-founded. The ticketing was a shambles, the G4S security business was downright dangerous, and the artistic input was weird, from the horrible logo and silly mascots to the Orbit tower.
However, the actual organisation of the events has worked excellently, as has the infrastructure. (No doubt this was helped by having everyone scared away by worst-case scenarios.)
On top of this Team GB has done very well indeed. Some of this built on the successes of Beijing. But there was also talk tonight of how the new coach has lifted UK athletics out of mediocrity. A disproportionate number of winners have been public-school types, but there's at least a chance the successes may encourage sports at other schools too. (It would help if Gove stopped encouraging the selling off of sports fields, wouldn't it?)
The crowds have taken delight in inclusiveness. Perhaps the Daily Mail would like to forget it called Mo Farah a "plastic Brit" - an immigrant - before the games. The audience at the stadium tonight clearly couldn't have cared less.
I do have some beefs about the greedy sponsors - £2.30 for a bottle of Coke?? When you've been forbidden to take liquids into the park? That was an unwanted whiff of good old rip-off Britain.