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Why Has Broad Dishonered His Sport And Himself?

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ToraToraTora | 11:38 Sat 13th Jul 2013 | Sport
24 Answers
He knew he was out, by not walking he thus decided to be labelled as a cheat forever. I don't understand why anyone would do that. This will eat away at him. Many a snooker player has called a foul on themesleves rather than live with the ignimony and I always thought Cricketers had similar honour.


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Dear Dafey,
Oh dear - huntin'. shootin' and fishin' are or were sports? No! All just cruel activities with the last giving the fun of sitting all day in the rain staring at the water to avoid the wife.
No searches or dictionaries used but I define sport as one of three:
(a) A competition between 2 people or 2 teams playing by set rules which rules include a law saying who wins and how. A draw is allowed as a result in certain sports.
(b) As above but includes animals e.g horse- or dog-racing. Similarly machines: cars, bikes etc.
(c) The sporting competition can be one person against themselves as in running, weight-lifting etc.
So snooker is a sport, Dafey.
p.s. Sorry ToraToraTora as your site has been hi-jacked but "they" started it and anyway you lost by a large majority verdict (lol).
I've always thought of a sport as anything where "knowing what to do" and "being able to do it" are two different skills. So snooker is a sport, but chess (which is an Olympic recognised sport) isn't.
Dear jim360,
Sorry jim, I am confused by your answer. Is house-building a sport? Is it in the Olympic Games?
Well I suppose there must also be more to it -- one must also have competition. But I do think that there should be more skill than just vision.

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