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English Club Rugby Cuts Itself Adrift ...

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ichkeria | 22:39 Thu 05th Dec 2013 | Sport
3 Answers

Much to my surprise. I must say I am at a loss to get my head round the thinking behind this. Arrogance? Stubbornness? Brinkmanship?


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beats me, but presumably they somehow think England is getting some kind of raw deal and the rest of the regiment is out of step.

Parallels with the UK and EU keep rising unbidden into my mind.
I am not a fan of Rugby but I have friends who are, so have tried to follow what has been happening.

The big English clubs consider themselves better than everyone else so they think they should have more money. The RFU are scared of the power of the big English clubs and will not disagree with them. The big clubs break the Heineken Cup and plan a tournament with the big french teams, and crapping on the other four nations. The French Authorities slap down their clubs and tell them they have to play in a tournament with the other four. Leaving the English Clubs high and dry with no one to play.

Greed of the big clubs, lily livered RFU, dupicity of the French and the corruption of Sport by TV money.

Some would say they have reaped what they have sowed.
It does sort of remind me of the old weather report :

"Fog in Channel, Continent cut off ....."

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English Club Rugby Cuts Itself Adrift ...

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