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England Vs Australia.

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Togo | 18:26 Sat 03rd Oct 2015 | Sport
71 Answers
Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more;
Or close the wall up with our English dead.
In peace there's nothing so becomes a man
As modest stillness and humility:
But when the blast of war blows in our ears,
Then imitate the action of the tiger;
Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood,
Disguise fair nature with hard-favour'd rage;

Not long now. Are we ready?


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Enjoy the season Of claret and blue Enjoy the arguments The agreements too Enjoy the shots (when) on target Enjoy the very few goals Marvel at just how fast the football goes. Endure plenty of the misses And lots of the fluky so and so's Enjoy the Stokey opponents Don't forget to boo Enjoy the selections See what the players can do Enjoy the occasional magic goal...
19:56 Sat 03rd Oct 2015
Cheers Tony. Meanwhile, England are looking devoid of ideas.....
Once a jolly swagman camped by a billabong,
Under the shade of a coolibah tree.
He sang and he watched and waited 'til his billy boiled,
"You'll come a-waltzing, Matilda, with me."
Waltzing Matilda, Matilda, my darlin',
You'll come a-waltzing, Matilda, with me.
He sang and he watched and waited 'til his billy boiled,
"You'll come a-waltzing, Matilda, with me."
Well, down came a jumbuck to drink at the billabong;
Up jumped the swagman and grabbed him with glee.
He laughed as he stowed the jumbuck in his tucker-bag,
"You'll come a-waltzing, Matilda, with me."
Waltzing Matilda, Matilda, my darlin',
You'll come a-waltzing, Matilda, with me.
He laughed as he stowed the jumbuck in his tucker-bag,
"You'll come a-waltzing, Matilda, with me."
Well, up rode the squatter, mounted on his thoroughbred;
Up rode the troopers -- one, two, three.
"Where's that jolly jumbuck you've got in your tucker-bag?
You'll come a-waltzing, Matilda, with me."
Waltzing Matilda, Matilda, my darlin',
You'll come a-waltzing, Matilda, with me.
"Where's that jolly jumbuck you've got in your tucker-bag?
You'll come a-waltzing, Matilda, with me."
Well, up jumped the swagman and jumped into the billabong;
"You'll never take me alive," said he.
His ghost may be heard as you pass by the billabong,
"You'll come a-waltzing, Matilda, with me."
Waltzing Matilda, Matilda, my darlin',
You'll come a-waltzing, Matilda, with me.
His ghost may be heard as you pass by the billabong,
"You'll come a-waltzing, Matilda, with me."
Can you hear that noise....? That's the sound of the nails being banged into the coffin that is England Rugby.
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Ah well Stoke beat Vanilla.
Oi ^^^^^^^^
Enjoy the season
Of claret and blue
Enjoy the arguments
The agreements too
Enjoy the shots (when) on target
Enjoy the very few goals
Marvel at just how fast
the football goes.
Endure plenty of the misses
And lots of the fluky so and so's

Enjoy the Stokey opponents
Don't forget to boo
Enjoy the selections
See what the players can do
Enjoy the occasional magic goal
from a simple one two.

Enjoy the very few highs
Enjoy the many lows
Enjoy the scarcity of wins
Enjoy the paucity of Villa goals
Enjoy the ones that got away
Never forget
we'll get them back one day

Enjoy the effing ref
He works as a Manchester banker
Never forget,
The red and whites are all w//kers
Endure the tens of Villa misses
Enjoy the very few hits
When you see the minty streaker
ignore her best bits
Enjoy the boaty manager
The coaches too
Enjoy when the players
Run into view

Enjoy the sunshine
for the first few games
A month from now
Enjoy the rain.
Enjoy the snow and driving sleet
It won't matter
With your opponents beat

Most importantly and I say this with glee
Enjoy when Chairman Lemer
Succumbs to the plea
To leave our once great club
And live out at sea!

For this is the season
The reason for our tonee
To put on his colours
And support his team
The Champions they may not be
That is too true
But the greatest of Cameron's teams
Between tony, daisy and you
Will always be in their hearts
And our minds too
Enjoy the rest of the relegation season
With the once-mighty claret and blue.
lol..very good dt !
Looking forward to Mike Brown's interview after the game.....!
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DT if I sup the same stuff as you could I wax lyrical like that?
a Los Haroldos, an Argie Malbec, Togo...given the way this rugby seems to be going, tits up that least, it's an alternative.
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Tells us all. If that is not a deliberate knock on, he even tried to catch it, there is no such thing.
there is hope......great try, AW
Game last! Still, don't see the Aussies letting this one slip somehow.
but..runnin' oot o' time !
Farrell''s petulance has finally caught up with him and he has lost England any chance of a comeback.
deary deary me !
nooooooooooo !
Luckily for England it's a VERY short trip home.......

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