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Golf Is An Honourable Game, Right?

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10ClarionSt | 15:54 Sat 05th Mar 2016 | Sport
9 Answers
Don't you believe it. I've been involved in golf for most of my life and I've seen things that you just wouldn't believe. At the moment the golfing authorities are carrying out investigations into people playing off false handicaps and winning some tasty prizes in open competitions. One person has been banned for 10 years for playing at 2 different clubs under different names with different handicaps. It's tantamount to fraud, but the authorities don't want police involvement as this would attract adverse publicity.
Yes, it's an honourable game alright!


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If you do get caught cheating in golf, they usually throw the book at you, which is no bad thing.
melv is right....I would say that 'golf is largely an honourable game.' Cheating is seriously frowned on, as is untoward behaviour. Thank goodness.
The game is honourable, just some of the participants who aren't.
I suppose in 21st century life it's par for the course.
Less controversy in the game as you can pick holes.
I have never understood why a ball can be marked by a single coin or marker since they used to use two coins when removing a ball in snooker to make sure it was replaced correctly.
I don't think that amount of precision is necessary on a putting green.
I think ALL sports suffer from spread betting. When you can bet on the first throw in, corner, no ball and dogs and horses to lose, makes it very suspicious. Don't get me started on snooker and darts.

I have seen many untoward things around the course, some golfers get obsessed about lowering their handicap. In a club tournament, it is very easy alone say in the rough, to adjust the position of the ball into a more advantageous spot.

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