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What Did The Ref Say - Snooker Last Night ?

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Bazile | 10:36 Tue 03rd May 2016 | Sport
14 Answers
''Dont be the idiot who spoils it ...... ''

Or words to that effect
The word 'idiot ' was certainly used


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i don't know but i'm guessing he didn't want leicester's triumph to be announced
about mobile ringing.
talking about those eejits who fail to turn their phone off. I'd boot them straight out, morons.
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Yes i know .
I was just a bit surprised at his words ( even if one agrees , they were idiots )

I thought your post was a question.
Throughout the tournament, spectators have been constantly disrupting the game by leaving their phones switched on and taking pictures with the flash on etc and it was getting beyond a joke. In the final alone there were several occasions of phones going off and I think the ref was right to use the word idiot as he had been stipulating throughout that all mobiles to be switched off. he said, "Don't be the idiot who has to ruin it". Fair play to him I say!
I thought he said, ''ruin the moment'.
Whatever he said he was right.

With technology going the way it has in the past few years, I wonder if an App will come out, that automatically turns phones off at venues, when you walk through the door :-)
The next time someone's mobile goes off during a match, the cameras should immediately fall on the 'perp', a klaxon should sound and a large, flashing red sign saying "IDIOT" should be shown above the person's head. Either that or these smart phones should be taken from these not-so-smart people and smashed to smithereens in front of their disbelieving eyes:-/
in my opinion they should be frog marched into the arena and disemboweled with a rusty bean tin! Or is that a bit harsh?
On a more serious note, is there no tech that these theatre type places can use to block signals?
I liked Alan Chamberlain's (snooker ref) remarks a few years ago when a mobile phone ringed during a frame, "Tell them you're on your way home!"
I think there is but I could imagine the theatre or whatever losing custom over it....also its illegal in the UK
Yes! A sign reading, "Please switch all mobile phones off beyond this point. Anyone who fails to comply risks removal from the building. Thank you."
People need to learn a few basic facts about flash photography. Not even the most powerful 'professional ' flash units available(something like a Metz CT4) have a range much over 40 ft.
I always laugh to see a football match in a huge stadium with hundreds of flashes going off all over the place. To take photos in a theater or stadium you need to use a 'high speed' setting and a fast lens, but no flash!

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