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World Cup Final

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sunny-dave | 20:16 Sun 15th Jul 2018 | Sport
8 Answers
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Reluctant congratulations to France - you got the rub of two dodgy refereeing decisions (as you so often do), but did at least score a couple of decent goals later on.

Heartfelt congratulations to Croatia - you must have felt like you were playing 12 men at times, but comported yourselves well and played some excellent football.
I hear it made Macron happy :)

Long may he rain.
England 4 - Germany 2 - Hurst a hat-trick.
So we didn't win the Football or the tennis

What's left - oh yes F1
Come on Lewis
The Open before that, Bazile.
-- answer removed --
france win fifa world cup 2018
arghhh - I recorded that!

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World Cup Final

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