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Can Wind Stop Play ?

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Canary42 | 06:47 Fri 21st Aug 2020 | Sport
7 Answers
Even if the rain holds off, the Third Test should be challenging today - it's blowing a hooley here in Hampshire at the moment.

Could it blow the bails off ?


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They need to glue the bails on. :-)
everyone's being very careful typing bails . . .
No expert on cricket but I believe that bails can be dispensed with altogether if they are in danger of being dislodged by gusts of wind. Don't know if it's ever happened before.
Just had a word with Uncle Google (Googly's smarter brother) and he says I was correct. He also said that sometimes heavier than normal bails are used to avert the problem. If the bails are dispensed with, Hawkeye assumes they are still in position.
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Thanks Ken
Does Hawkeye works for the tennis association as well , or is it his cousin , eagle eye ?
Cricket stumps and bails are usually made of high quality Ash. In windy conditions heavier bails made of a denser wood generally Lignum Vitae can be used. LV is the same wood used to make traditional crown green bowling balls.

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Can Wind Stop Play ?

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