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Ao Starts Tonight!!

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-SharonA- | 22:58 Sun 07th Feb 2021 | Sport
12 Answers
Anybody sitting up to watch?


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I would but I'm up for work at 6:15, love.
A bit late to be buying appliances, isn't it?
Nah, Superbowl for a while
I might give my attention to sport from 0400 onwards but it definitely won't be to a couple of silly people knocking a ball backwards and forwards over a net. There's something FAR more important going on ;-)
Why can you not write ‘Australian Open’?

Even then, that could be bowls, or darts, or golf.
Having done extensive research, I now know you are watching Tennis at daft o’ clock in the morning.
I won’t be.
Oh, that's what AO means!
"Why can you not write ‘Australian Open’?"

It's baffling, isn't it!
As is doing extensive research rather than asking

Ao...what's dat den?'
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Well I will be. I've missed my tennis action and it's just a shame Andy is not playing.
I will be rooting for our Brits!!

To set your poor little mind at rest, I didn’t do extensive research as to what AO was.

Still telling lies then, I see.
‘Extensive research’ was a little joke.
I looked at the BBC Sports page.

Hope you eventually find your sense of humour.

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Ao Starts Tonight!!

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