morning, Thursday already, the days are rolling by so quickly i can't keep up
I hope that you are all in good health and that your day is a pleasant one. Do you have any plans for today?
I have an extremely important phone call to take at 08.30 from the nurse at the hospital where i am having my knee operation. The call apparently could last as long as 1 1/2 hours so have to be off here early on. I still can't take it in that this operation will be going ahead.
Been woken up by Molly nipping my leg lol. It’s their thing now to let me know they want breakfast one of them comes and nips me - could be leg, arm, or somewhere posterior!! Lol
Yes , Molly and Daisy are sisters, and they’re only 14 months old. I’m not too bad - had a bad night painwise so am struggling at the mo. Don’t like to mention it too much to MrSmow as I’m sure he’s sick of hearing about it lol, plus he’s got an awful lot on his plate work wise - he’s absolutely up to his eyes in it. He shouldn’t keep taking new contracts on!!
He does emmie, but am sure he is sick of it all the time. Plus I don’t like to burden him when he has got so much on his plate. He’s taken far too much on!! Anyway, what are you up to today?? I can’t believe it’s Thursday already!
Morning, all. Emmie, A 1.5 hour phone call?. The operation itself won't take much longer than that! My wife had both knees done (Not at the same time of course), and it doesn't take long to do. She got a local and not a general anesthetic.