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F1 Must Be The Only Sport............

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10ClarionSt | 06:37 Mon 08th Apr 2024 | Sport
9 Answers

......where the World Champion is never seen until a few seconds from the end. They'll show him having a tyre change but other than that the focus is elsewhere. This is surely a blatant admission by the TV companies that F1 just isn't competitive and they try to make it interesting by focusing on the race for 10th place or something.

I must be a mug for watching. I suppose I'm hoping for something exciting to happen, like a competitive race, perhaps! 😄



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Interestingly, sponsors pay vast sums of money to see their logo on a car that will be seen by millions of TV viewers and the lead car is hardly seen.

I cancelled my Sky F1 subscription because I found watching Red Bull will win all the time was so tedious. I`ve been watching and attending Grand Prix since 1968 and its never been so bad with the other teams not keeping up.

Not what it was when innovation was encouraged. I think it's more a high speed advertising exercise for stuff most have never heard of these days.

Refuelling and tyre choice like back in the day might help but the sanitised version is just for kids.

I've been a lifelong F1 fan, but I'm struggling to watch it at the moment as RB winning is pretty much guaranteed. 

I am interested in F1, but have never watched a whole race from start to finish. I love watching the tire changes. How they do it in about 0.001 seconds (or thereabouts) amazes me every time. 

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My husband used to be an avid watcher but now isn't interested at all.  He says the same as you, that it isn't competitive any more.

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Thanks for the replies folks. Looks like I'm not the only one who's bored of it, but it seems to be a moneymaker for some, so I'm sure it will continue. 😔

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F1 Must Be The Only Sport............

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