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Flower of Scotland.

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Gourmander | 15:31 Thu 11th Dec 2008 | Sport
8 Answers
When Scotland get knocked out of the World Cup, a near certainty, will the Tartan Army support England? They did the last time, but with so much Anti-Scottish feeling about, I dont think they will. Can you really blame them?


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Will anybody take the bait.......................
I won't but I am not anti-English. Only anti-english football commentators!
Hello cousin gourmander how are you today then.

Still trying to wind people up I see, but now you have streched your wings to the sportsbank I see. How is uncle whiffey
Oh, I do hope they support England. Those wonderful little jovial, red-haired, skirt wearing, whisky swilling pillars of society add so much to the occasion, I would be heartbroken to think they wouldn't support their cousins from the more succesful region of the United Kingdom.
the more succesful region of england eh??!! you have to laugh!!! im not anti english, i just dont like them!!
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Yes England will support the Scots, but in return the jocks would rather shove their head up Dago Maradoughnuts ar5e. As Murray said when asked they support anyone England are playing.
r1 geezer, whenever your country has a problem apparently it originates from north of the border, it cant just be a scottish thing, the last i checked the irish,welsh,french and germans dont like the english much neither, ask yourself why? i dont particularly bother, i like to see scotland do well and i think we do reasonably well considering our size and population but i dont particularly bother whether england do well or not

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