Ping Pong Ball launcher.. where can I find one? in The AnswerBank: Sport
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Ping Pong Ball launcher.. where can I find one?

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bizzylizzy | 09:23 Tue 27th Apr 2010 | Sport
5 Answers
Hi everyone, I'm trying to find some kind of gadget that will throw ping pong balls into the air. I've Google ping pong ball launcher and you do get info on how to build a device with elastic bands and various other bits and pieces, but I wondered if such a gadget exists. It would presumably work with some kind of spring or compressed air I suppose. A long shot, but I wondered if any of you might know where I could look. Thank you.

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There is a device called a "robo launcher" (Google it) which launches plastic baseballs - basically oversized ping pong balls. My son used to have one but I think it got terminally damaged and thrown away. It's not far off what you want and may well work (or be easily adapted to work) with ping pong balls. Unfortunately I can't find one in stock for you with a quick search, but a bit of digging may turn one up.
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You're very kind thank you. I think we've sorted something out now thank you. A friend has some kind of pop gun thinggy he thinks will work. But thank you so much for taking the time to respond.
Bizzylizzy I think this is the third time I've gave you this link for what you're looking for! Third time lucky I hope! http://www.google.co....a=&btnG=Google+Search
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Thanks Bigfoot. Sorry I didn't respond to your reply. If you look at my original post above, I did mention I'd already found that info on Google myself. I'm ever so sorry I didn't back sooner though.
I believe there are some women and lady boys in Thailand that can provide this service

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Ping Pong Ball launcher.. where can I find one?

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