>You get NASA to store a copy in their secure underground bunker too VHG?
I realise your question was a light hearted one, but I have worked in computers for over 30 years (before the days of PCs even !) and a number of times in the past have accidently deleted files (and even whole directories) where I had no back up.
I have also worked with companies who THOUGHT they were taking good backups and when they had to do a restore found their backups were faulty and they could not do a restore. They lost hundreds of files.
So I am now extra cautious and backup everything at least 3 or 4 times in different places. Onve I have done one backup to an external drive it does not take long to copy it to antoehr external drive or to a NAS.
I have over 10 years of digital photos and would hate to lose them all, so I make totally sure that they are all securely backed up.
As we all begin to hold more and more of our lives in digital format I think it is vital, even for home users, to have a number oif different backups "just in case".
If the worst came to the worst, and one of us had a major fire in our house, how much digital information would we lose if all our PCs and external hard drives were unusable.
I think many home users dont do any backup, which is leaving them wide open to losing everything.