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Yontoo not Yonyoo

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kloofnek | 15:46 Sun 05th Jun 2011 | Computers
2 Answers
I mean "Yontoo" not Yonyoo...typing error.


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Kloofnek, it's much better to post a correction in the original post, otherwise people don't know what you are referring to.... here's the original thread http://www.theanswerb.../Question1024884.html
15:47 Sun 05th Jun 2011
Kloofnek, it's much better to post a correction in the original post, otherwise people don't know what you are referring to.... here's the original thread http://www.theanswerb.../Question1024884.html
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Sorry about that...,I thought I had..thanks for pointing it out to me.

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Yontoo not Yonyoo

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