When I switched on my laptop this morning the screen remained resolutely black. The machine was working as I could hear the prompt for my password and when I entered it it loaded up and eventually connected to the internet via the dongle. The only thing was I couldn't see anything except a black screen, and no arrow. I powered down and tried a few times with no success. The last time I noticed that what I presume to be the battery light on the PC (looks like a lightning flash) was glowing solid; it is never normally on. Without knowing what I was doing I removed the battery and lo and behold it is working normally. Any idea what has caused this?
The battery is two years old, same as the computer. I always run it from the mains, not the battery. What I can't understand is why, if the battery is the problem, it affected the screen display but not the general running of the computer. I am quite happy without a battery, but just curious as to what exactly was going on.
I have a Dell Inspiron and I get this sometimes after I've put the laptop in 'sleep' mode.
I need to hold the Power On button down for a few seconds until the ;aptop either clicks on or off