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Windows 8

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telboy1938 | 20:46 Fri 16th Nov 2012 | Computers
6 Answers
Following conflicting on-line reports, can anyone give me a 100 percent assurance that Windows 8 will work on my travel companion which is the Asus Eee PC 904HD. Many thanks. Tel


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The machine is relatively old, so don't expect Windows 8 to run on it with anything like the speed that XP did. If I were you, I would either stick with XP or upgrade your hardware. Why do you want to move from XP to 8 anyway...?
11:22 Sat 17th Nov 2012
Difficult to say 100%. If it still has only 1GB RAM and you're intending to install Windows 8 Pro edition, then it may not run very well...
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The crucial upgrade allowed me to upgrade to 2Gb memory...Tel
In which case, there's a good chance the Windows 8 will run on it.
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Hi MarkRae, One thing I did forget to ask was, is the fact that this laptop is an X86 PC (32 bit) model (like most) going to be a problem? Thanks again.
The machine is relatively old, so don't expect Windows 8 to run on it with anything like the speed that XP did.

If I were you, I would either stick with XP or upgrade your hardware. Why do you want to move from XP to 8 anyway...?
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Sorry for delay....missed your last question but my reason for change was to keep PC and office laptop on same program's. thanks for advice.

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