I am unable to view some fotos on my PC and it advises to download Sony Raw Driver.What exactly is this.
I have already tried it and I still couldn`t see the fotos ,so uninstalled.
Any help or suggestions coming ,please.
Since you seem to be having problems with the SONY RAW driver, as an alternative you could try download and install a Microsoft package that may allow you to view the Photos which is available from:-
Are they your photos, if they are and you don't know RAW and its oddities then I would advise against shooting in RAW as they take a good bit of post processing to get the best from them. If someone else has sent them to you then I'd suggest you get them to send them as jpeg as your RAW processing settings are unlikely to be the same as the sender's and as such they may look completely different (exposure, colour saturation etc.) to how the sende saw them.
Thank you for replies..pinky,will take a look at the link you have given for the alternative download..fitzer,the fotos are of gravestones what I have found online whilst researching my family tree and saved. ..not sure if I copied and pasted to WordPad...will take a look later when have more time
Never had a problem opening before.I have Windows 7.
The problem is that they may not even be RAW files from a Sony camera, the MS software can handle lots of versions of RAW so would probably be the best bet. RAW files aren't pictures as such just a huge amount of digital information which tells RAW software how to display said info as a picture and it varies not only between camera makers but also between models in the same manufacturers range! Very odd for someone to save RAW files online as anyone downloading them is likely to run into problems.
I had Picassa in my old laptop,it was already installed.The laptop before it was Adobe FotoShop,I liked that.. but they have done away with that free version.